ESB srl is the result of the agreement between Edilteco, international leader producer of lightweight thermal insulating base-screeds, Manu-Cem, a company from Bergamo specialized in cement products, and MCL Costruzioni Italia, a construction company specialized in masonry planning and application.
ESB srl is born on January 30th 2014 and boasts many important references on the Italian and international market. First of all, it has a production facility in Israel, thanks the collaboration with a producer of concrete products, then it has some distributors in Norway and Sweden, a production cooperation with an important local producer in southern Italy, and many agencies all around the world, and designers and enterprises which operate in Italy.The lightweight blocks SMARTBLOCK® for infill walls, born after a long shared research work, is a flagship for ESB, as much as the EASYBLOCK® range. The ESB know-how comes from the knowledge of three companies, which operate in the building sector for decades. This know-how is intended to a sudden divulgation all around the world. Edilteco is the best example: even though, the company of San Felice sul Panaro cares about the bond with its roots, it boasts an ante-litteram international vocation. In fact, it has productive partners from over forty countries; they are enterprises which believe in Edilteco value and in its made in Italy technical know-how, and have bought its exclusive technology, producing in this way Edilteco’s products in their countries.
ESB Srl follows the path of Edilteco, Manu-Cem and MCL Costruzioni Italia, thanks which it is born. Thanks its cutting-edge, but easy to use, technology, thought for an efficient buildings thermal and/or acoustic insulation, ESB wants to promote a comfortable and sustainable construction, intended to the energy saving. What ESB offers are worldwide recorded ad hoc brands: EASYBLOCK® e SMARTBLOCK®.
EASYBLOCK® line is composed of shuttering blocks, realized with a special concrete formula made of Edilteco’s Politerm Blu: in this way, they are more performing than the traditional concrete blocks or made of expanded clay or aerated concrete. Politerm Blu is a superlight aggregate with a special additive for the packaging of thermal insulating cement mixtures (similar for composition and performances to the products of Isolcap range by Edilteco), which satisfies the strict environmental sustainability criteria of Itaca and Leed protocols.